Saturday, July 12, 2014

i scream, you scream, we all scream ...

... for ice cream!

This is the summer of all things cool and creamy, at least for Hubby and I. We like to go on what we call "ice cream runs/dates" depending on the time of the week {"date" if it's on the weekend}. Actually, the other day when I was going around and dumping the garbage cans throughout the house, I was astounded at the sheer number of empty ice cream cartons, particularly in my husband's trash can on his side of the bed. Even on the days when we don't necessarily go and get ice cream together, I can't resist getting at least a frosty at the local Wendy's.

When it comes to our favorite flavors? Typically, both the hubster and I can't share a pint of Ben & Jerry's because he likes chocolate based ice creams and I'm more of a 'nilla person. However, there is one flavor we both can agree on: Western Family Peanut Butter Cup and Moose Tracks. Anything peanut butter cup-y and we're both there!

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