Sunday, June 22, 2014

twenty facts about yours truly

I am almost graduated with my Bachelor's Degree in Psychology {only one more block this summer and my last semester is Fall 2014}.

My husband and I just celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary earlier this month. Time goes by so fast.

I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and I am currently the ward Primary Pianist, which I love!

I come from a big family, being the eldest girl of nine children {two older brothers, three younger brothers, and three younger sisters, not necessarily in that order}.

I have had a pixie-cut hairstyle since I graduated from high school and am currently going through my fourth {fifth?} attempt to grow it out. Fingers crossed I make it past my shoulders this time.

I had never owned a pet before I got married, and I love being a fur-mommy. I wouldn't trade my Golden Doodle for the world!

The first time I saw the ocean, it was on my honeymoon.

Confession? Since before my honeymoon I've been afraid of the ocean. This is coming from the kid who thought there were sharks in the deep end of the swimming pool up until the 6th grade. No joke.

This is going to seem really contradictory to my previous statements, but I am actually scuba-certified.

I am a bit of a perfectionist. {Husband would say, "A bit ... ?" :) }

I want to be a mommy when I grow up.

I have kept a journal {fairly consistently} since I was approximately 8 years old. I think my very first entry talks about how mean my big brothers were being on that specific day.

I have recently lost almost 50 pounds {47 to be exact}.

I utterly loathe yard work. I would rather deep clean my entire house than pull weeds {this might be due in part to the fact that the house we're living in right now sits on quite a big yard that is full of weeds}.

If I don't have something to do during a movie {e.g., fold laundry, eat popcorn, embroider, etc.} I will fall asleep. That is a promise, not a threat.

I am a really sore loser and a sore winner. If I'm winning, I love nothing better than trash-talk. If I'm losing, the game's not fun anymore. It's as simple as that.

I would rather stay at home alone than hang out with new people. Once I make friends, I love to spend time with them, but it takes me a while to warm up to a person and my sweetheart is forever trying to get me out and about, but what he doesn't understand is that I am totally happy at home. Please tell me I'm not the only person who feels this way.

My husband and I met on a blind date. Yeah, that happens.

I love to have a nicely made bed. Whether it's made before I leave the house can make or break my entire day, believe it or not {my husband doesn't}.

And, lastly, I have never had braces. It's silly, but in a day and age when everyone's teeth are perfectly straight, I'm a little proud of my slightly crooked ones {by no means do I have bad teeth, and I understand that a lot of braces and dental work are necessary for many, but I like this particular imperfection that I have}.

Saturday, June 21, 2014


I hate meeting new people.

Introductions are difficult and I'm always worried that I will misrepresent myself. Now, it may be surprising to some, knowing this information, that I work retail. I meet new people every day, so what's the big deal?

The difference is that the people who I meet on a daily basis are complete strangers. They hear a little about me, enough to make them comfortable, but they never really get to know me. I've grown comfortable with this reality and now real interactions with people are difficult. I don't want to come across as something that I'm not, and I constantly worry that perhaps I said the wrong thing, or maybe that new person just didn't like me.

There are only a select few who know me intimately: my parents, my spouse, my siblings, and my two close friends, one from high school days, and the other more recently acquired. Sprinkle in a few moderate acquaintances and other family members, and you basically have my entire social network.

So why write? Why expose my thoughts to various prying eyes?

It's not that I think I have something to say that others have not already said, but more that I need an outlet. A place to put my thoughts down on proverbial paper, to share fun stories and photos, and express myself.

This is that place.
